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,The Minister of Education called for a review of the grading...

Autor: karina1, 2015-07-22 22:57:51
Dodaj do:
,The Minister of Education called for a review of the grading procedures that a private,Hallifax company used
to assess test answers in the reading and writing section.''
What has he asked for?Why do you think he has asked for this?

Parkour life: Iranian women get physical

1. What is parkour?
2. What is different about the people practicing parkour, in this article?
3. Are they facing any problems because of what they are doing?
4. What other sport are they also taking, in increasing numbers?
5. Why do you think this is becoming so important to some of these people?
6. Do you think this is a good idea? Please explain.
Undercover cop in wheelchair discovers 'soul' of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside | CTV News

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