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Przetłumacz na polski tylko nie za pomocą google tlumacz...

Autor: Klonek, 2014-09-24 19:07:00
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Przetłumacz na polski tylko nie za pomocą google tlumacz :D

Reality shows use ordinary people instead of actors and this is nothing new . The first reality show , called Candid Camera was in 1948 and it showed ordinary people in funny situations . In 1950 , the reality show Beat the Clock became a huge success . Participants did amusing , but fun , tasks within a time limit . These early shows were entertaining and participants and viewers loved them . But today's shows are different . Shows like Big Brother or Survivor are often cruel or embarrassing for the participants . So why do thousands of people want to take part in them ? The ansver in money . TV companies pay people to take part . Perhaps this is alright when the participants are adult , but it's different when they're children or teenagers .

In reality show Kid Nation , forty young people between the ages of eight and fifteen lived together in an abandoned town for forty days . The young people tired to organize their life without adults , and cameras followed them everywhere . The youngesters all received $5,000 for taking part in the show . In every episode , a participants who solved problems and made decisions won a prize of $20,000 . The group chose this person . Did the young people enjoy the experience ? It seems that some participants left before the end of the series because they didn't like it . They were lonely and unhappy .

The TV company didn't make a second series of Kin Nation . Many people were shocked and said than it was wrong to use children for fun and profit . Nevertheless , the show attacted big audiences and the channel that broadcast it made a lot of money . Perhaps that's the problem with reality TV shows now - the more they shock , the more successful they are .

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