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POMOCYY !!!! kto umie to streścić ??????!!!! A great English...

Autor: MK1395, 2014-03-31 18:10:27
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POMOCYY !!!! kto umie to streścić ??????!!!! A great English Mathematician
Isaac Newton was born in the village of Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire, on Christmas Day, 1642. He was the smallestbaby on the world, and desperately weak; yet he lived, andbecamethe most stupendous scientific genius that England has ever produced.
At fifteen he was tried on the farm; but it was no good. Isaac was always behind a hedge, inventing some new automatic toy, while the cows trampled down the corn. He had invented windmills, he had con structed water-cloks and sun-dails, and tested the force of a gale by jumping with it and against it, but he would never make a farmer and so he was send to Trinity College, Cambride, knowing at the time practically nothing of science or mathematics. He there turned to the study of geometry and astronomy. When Newton reached the age twenty-three, in 1665, the Great Plague broke out; andas the disease spread toCambridge, he had to return for a time to his old home in Lincolnshire. There his marvellous scientific imagination turned for the first time towards the mightiest of all scientific discoveries, the mechanics ofthe universe.
He beganto speculate on the reason why the heavenly bodies maintain their places and courses. Why did not the moon, which is always revolving around us, dash into the earth ? He discovered the secret force which directs all the bodies ofthe universe in the force of gravity. But he could not then prove his theory to his full satisfaction. So he laid aside any further thought of the matter, and never breathed a word about it to a soul.
He returned to Cambridge, took up the study of optics, and almost at once made another great discovery. In order to analyse a sunbeam, he fixed a glass prism in a dark room, admitted a sunbeam through a hole in the shitter, and made it pass through the prism. The sunbeam fell on a screen, but it was no longer white. It had all the colours of a rainbow: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. He placed asecond prism at a different angle, and there was white light again on the screen.
Newton had found out the nature of light; he had proved that light is not simple, but compound.
Especially two years of Newton's life, the end of 1684 to 1686,were years of concentrated thinking. He lived on a plane apart, eating and driking what was brought to him, but without really noticing and sit on the edge of his bed half-dressed for the whole day; he did not know whether he had taken his meals or not; and once he led his horse to the top of a hill, and when he turned to mount, he found that he was holding the bridle in his hand and that the horde had gone home.
Taking up his oldstudies a second time, Newton discovered the laws of gravitation and in his book "Principia"(1685), established them for the solar system, and thence throughout the universe; he explained the paths of the comets; the "orange'' shape of the earth; he explained the main phenomenaof the tides, both solar and lunar, and hence deduced the mass of the moon. In a word, he raised the world's thought on to a new plane.
To the end Newton remained modest in all his ways, and in his old age he uttered an unforgettable saying: " I do not know what I may appear to the world", he said"but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy, playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and them finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me".

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