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Bardzo proszę o poprawienie błedów w wypracowaniu. Is polish...

Autor: isabelle02, 2015-01-24 17:59:23
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Bardzo proszę o poprawienie błedów w wypracowaniu.

Is polish society ready to watch provocative British comedy sketch show named "Little Britain" during prime time?

First of all wy have to remember that Polish Television watch almost only elderly people with conservative views. They are not as much tolerant as they should be to watch that kind of entertainment without disgust feeling.
There are a lot of situations and characters that would offend square society.
This situation, when priest was kissing his boyfriend. It would be disrespectful for elder Polish, especially they are Catholics with strong beliefs and rules.
This would be unacceptable because society is accustomed to way that priest
is celibate.
What is more, this comedy does not show some basics of social and ethnical values which could be bad for adolescent children. They also watch tv a lot as elderly people, but this would affect them more because they are just kids.
It has very negative impact on child's growth and demoralize them in particular.

To my mind, the comedy is heading in a negative direction. It should not be shows in prime time because Polish society is mostly very sensitive society. It would undermine their system of values. We also have to care about little watchers which are very susceptible to bad influence.

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