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Witam jestem slaby z angielskiego a mam nóż na gardle i muszę...

Autor: bombaj, 2013-01-15 18:14:17
Dodaj do:
Witam jestem slaby z angielskiego a mam nóż na gardle i muszę zrobić to zdanie bardzo proszę o pomoc.
Muszę napisać 6 pytań do tego tekstu i (krótkie odpowiedzi do nich)

Shavi Kumar, owner of the Cobrax Entertainment Group, the youngest internet billionaire in India or just the most eccentric? In an exclusive interview with Cool Million magazine, Kumar, the 27-year-old, Cambridge-educated, extreme sport-loving serial entrepreneur from Hyderabad, claimed that the secret of his success is regularly skipping work and 'going off on one of my adventures'. 'l get my best ideas scuba-diving in Mauritius or paragliding in the hills near Mumbai, never in the boardroom' says Kumar, who has bought and sold 21 companies since his 17th birthday. 'Or sometimes meditating on a mountain-top in Nepal is just what l need. But, wherever l go, l always make sure l leave my laptop and mobile behind.' So how does hę run his media empire from the beach and the ski-slope? 'l don't' he smiles. 'l leave all that to my team back at the office. l believe in employing people who can run my business as well as l can if they have to.' But isn't he ever shocked at some of the decisions they've made without him when he returns? 'Sometimes' he confesses. 'Actually, last time l came back they'd lost me thirteen million dollars on a deal that went wrong. But that is life! If l'd never taken any chances, now where would l be?' And as he climbs into his bronze Aston Martin DBS to race to his next appointment, you have to admit, he has a point!

Rozwiązania (1)

Autor: karolcia0929
dodano: 2013-01-15 18:40:41
Who is Shavi Kumar? He is the owner of the Cobrax Entertainment Group.
Where is he from? From India.
How old is Kumar? He is 27.
What is his secret? his success is regularly skipping work and 'going off on one of my adventures'.
How many companies did he sold and bought since he was 17th birthday? 21
What type of people does he employ? l believe in employing people who can run my business as well as l can if they have to.'
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