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V. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs In...

Autor: click92, 2014-06-24 17:12:25
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V. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs In brackets.
1. What ………………(you/ do) when the telephone rang ?
2. Simon ……………………(have) a karate lesson right now.
3. I'm hungry! ................ (I/ not eat) breakfast today.
4. ………………..(i/see) the doctor at 3 o'clock this afternoon. I have got an appointment.
5. ………………..(she/ not be) late. I promise.
6. What ……………….(Mark/do)? He's a mechanic.
7. …………………………(James/ send) you an e-mail yesterday?
8. A: ....................(you/like) this skirt? B: Yes, ………………………..(l/buy) It!
9. A: Who ………………..(sing) this song? B: ………………..(it/be) Sting.
10. Look out! The trees ………………(fall down).
11. I …………………………………(go) to the cinema yesterday.
12. My friend ……………………….(listen) to music every evening.
13. They ……………….(clean) their car. It looks new again.
14. Listen! Mr Jones ……………..(play) the piano.
15. She ....................... (break) her left arm two weeks ago.
16. He ……………………(lose) his money. So he can't buy this hamburger.
17. Last year I ............................ (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks
…………………..(not / be) really that good then.
18. Where …………………….(you/ want) to work In the future?
19. …………………….(Sam and John/ get married) on Wednesday? Yes, they……………….

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