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uzupelnij zdania za pomoca odp formy podanych czasownikow w...

Autor: macielonik, 2013-10-16 17:51:12
Dodaj do:
uzupelnij zdania za pomoca odp formy podanych czasownikow w stronie biernej
invite send direct sell ask give
the winning film at the festival last year....... by martin scorsese
the results .... to the student's homes yet.
The actors …….. to read the book before the filming started.
we ………. To mark and gina’s wedding in march. I hope we can go
thousands of copies of the magazine …….. in shops every month.
they……… the correct time for the meeting so they arrived late

przekształć zdania uzywajac strony biernej

teachers usually ask us to arrive ten minutes before the exam.
Dickens wrote david copperfield in 1850
they’ve seen the stolen car in the area
an accident has delayed the train
they build the motorway to make journeys to London shorter
they don’t film the programmes in Manchester.

uzupełnij zadania odpowiednia forma czasownika podanego w nawiasie

…….. anna……. (phone) before you left the party?
he………. (see) the film before so he didn’t go with peter.
when I arrived at the bus stop, the buy …….( already leave)
we didn’t go out last night because we (finish) all my work
tom ……..(plan) to go to the USA last mounth but he didn’t have enough money.
my parents came round to dinner on Sunday. They……. (meet) sara before.
one of them ……….(be) to pirson three times by the age of 25.

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