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Proszę o pomoc w tych zadaniach. :) Zad.1 Read the situations...

Autor: lovuxx, 2015-04-08 18:20:05
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Proszę o pomoc w tych zadaniach. :)
Read the situations and write sentences in the third conditional.
1 My friend was able to fix my computer because she had done a course in computer science.
2 My brother had enough money to buy the tickets because they'd paid him his salary that morning.
3 I got 90% in the exam because I had studied a lot.
4 The road was wet because it was raining.
5 I didn't buy you a present because I didn't have any money.
6 I only knew her secret because you had told me.
7 We didn't know they were such horrible people when we became their friends.
8 He did really badly in the race because he hadn't trained
Complete each sentence in the third conditional
1 If it had snowed last summer.........
2 If I'd been born in the USA..........
3 Id I'd been able to play the guitar when I 4
was five ...........
4 If my parents had called me Englebert.....
5 If the sun hadn't come up this morning.....
6 If we hadn't been hungry yesterday.......

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