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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1.“My car...

Autor: yoyoyo, 2017-01-10 19:29:01
Dodaj do:
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1.“My car broke down.” “Don’t worry I ....
you a lift.” (give)
2. Come in an hour. I ....the essay by then. (finish)
3. Don’t worry. I .... my best. (do)
4. I .... tomorrow at 10.30 (leave)
5. In a few hours we .... to Japan. (fly)
6. Mum arrives tomorrow. We ....
for her at the airport. (wait)
7. My brother .... from the University next term. (graduate)
8. This time next year we ....in our new house. (live)
9. Tomorrow the sun ....
at 5.25. (rise)
10. We .... a new car – this one is too small(buy)

Put the following words in the correct order to make future perfect sentences.

1. I'm afraid/ have/ won't/ I/ by then/ finished
2. in the field of transplants/ have/ we'll/ by the year 2050/ made/ progress
3. had/ the operation/ have/ I'll/ by the time you get here
4. come out/ the hospital/ won't/ have/ of/ they/ yet
5. in/ weeks/ three/ term/ have/ will/ finished/ the

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