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Write the questions and the answers. 0 time / Greg / go to bed –...

Autor: Qwarnam, 2014-02-21 01:54:29
Dodaj do:
Write the questions and the answers.
0 time / Greg / go to bed – 11.30
What time does Greg go to bed?
Greg goes to bed at half past eleven.
1 when / you / do your homework – before dinner
2 time / your school / start – 8.30
3 when / Polly / go shopping – Saturday morning
4 time / Lin / have lunch – 12.45
5 when / they / have piano lessons – Thursday

5 Order the sentences.
0 goes she to usually bed ten at o’clock
She usually goes to bed at ten o’clock.
1 often do how you net the surf ?
2 have they lunch always 1.30 at
3 twice brushes he teeth his day a
4 study I at never weekend the
5 week three play a games times we computer

6.play have listen do watch surf
Hi Alexis!
What are you doing right now? I 0 ’m playing
computer games at the moment. My sister,
Mia, 1 the net and
2 to music. My brothers,
Tyler and Carter, 3 TV. My
mum and dad 4 lunch with
some friends. 5 you
your homework?
See you soon,
7.1 Does your sister work in a school?
2 Can you text me Polly’s mobile number?
3 Where do you come from?
4 How are you?
5 Can you lend me £10?
6 This is my friend, Mateo.
7 I must go. Bye!
8 Is Lin Japanese?
9 How often do you have salad for breakfast?
10 Do you usually watch TV after school?
a OK. See you later!
b Yes, of course.
c No, I usually play computer games.
d Sorry, I can’t. I don’t have her number.
e No, she isn’t.
f I come from Sydney.
g Never!
h I’m fi ne, thanks.
i Sure. No problem.
j Nice to meet you.
k No, she works in a bank.
8. 8 Order the dialogue and write it out with the
What? I’m sorry, I can’t.
Hi, Agata. How are you?
Thanks! And can you lend me £25?
The Maths homework? Sure, no problem.
Agata, can you help me with this homework?
I’m fi ne, thanks.
0 Tomek: Hi, Agata. How are you?

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