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Write in the missing pronoun. There is more than one possible...

Autor: ewkapotog, 2012-11-06 20:18:12
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Write in the missing pronoun. There is more than one possible answer in some sentences. 1 This is Paul Drake _________ brother goes to school with you. 2 There’s a special room in the school_______ you can go to at lunchtimes to relax. 3 There’s a great TV show ______ has famous people trying to live in the jungle. You must watch it. 4 The Middle Ages were a period in history _______ people worked long hours and lived in fear. Combine the two sentences with a relative clause to make one sentence. 5 Our city’s annual festival is a popular event. It attracts millions of people every year. 6 The 11th November is the date. Polish people celebrate their independence. 7 This is my friend. He lives in Spain. 8 This is the woman. Her bag was found in the train carriage. 9 The building down the road is a college. The students learn how to cook. 10 Life at university is a period in your life. You don’t have many worries.

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