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Use the cues to write questions and answers 1. how often / your...

Autor: ilona96-14, 2013-12-09 18:44:10
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Use the cues to write questions and answers
1. how often / your mum / have / her teeth / check?
She / them / every six months
2. how often / your dad / get / his car / repair?
he/ not / get / it / repair. He does cverything himself.
3.how many times / your sister / have / her eyes / test / in her life?
she / not/have/them/test. Her eyes are fine.
4.When/you/next have/your photo/take?
I don't know.I/probably/have it / take/at the end of the school year.

Rozwiązania (2)

Autor: StReAd
dodano: 2014-08-10 17:12:19
Is there someone who knows the answers?
Autor: StReAd
dodano: 2014-08-10 17:13:18
Is there someone who knows the answer?
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