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BARDZO PILNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Underline the correct word. ...

Autor: puszek27, 2013-01-13 13:11:35
Dodaj do:
BARDZO PILNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Underline the correct word.
Proszę, żeby zrobił to ktoś kto umie angielski ;)

1. How long/since have those kids been watching TV?

2. We haven't finished already/ yet?

3. Have you been doing anything interesting so far/ lately?

4. Has Charlotte recently/always been so good at maths?

5. Mathew has already/ still been to Los Angeles this year.

6. Has Jenny found her car keys since/yet?

7. I have never/ever driven such an expensive car before!

8. Have you seen any good films recently/ever?

9. They ave taken over 100 photos so far /yet.

10. He hasn't lived here since /for 20years?

For each situation use the words in brackets to ask a questions or to make a statement.

1. You see your friend waiting for the bus. You ask:(wait long)
2. Your friends are going to a rock consert. You ask:(book tikets?)

3. Your friend asks about your dad's job. You say:(work/doctor/for years)

4. You see your neightbour driving a new car You tell your friend:(buy/new car)

5. Your friend has got her hair dyed. You say:(dye/ hair)

6. You ask your sister why she is crying. She says:(lose/ring)
7. Your brother is painting and his face is red. You ask:(fight?)

8. There’s has been a bank robbery. You askLthey/catch robberts?)

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