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Trzeba wstawić Past Simple lub Past Continuous :) 1 When the...

Autor: CukierkowaMadz, 2013-03-17 17:12:02
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Trzeba wstawić Past Simple lub Past Continuous :)

1 When the flood_____(come),our cats_____(sit)on the roof.
2 A boat_____(sink)in the ocean,when a dolphin_____(see) it and_____(bring)help.
3 He_____(watch)the news when his dog_____(bring)him today`s newspaper.
4 Last summer,we_____(sail)off the coast od New Zealand when we_____(see)a group od dolphins. They______(jump)in the water. We_____(stop)and I______(dive)into the water to take some photos of the dolphins. I _____(take)photos when one of the dolphins_____(swim)towards me and_____(push)me towards the boat.The other dolphins_____(watch)us all the time.

Rozwiązania (1)

Autor: mikeleila
dodano: 2013-03-19 18:59:32
1 When the flood came, our cats were sitting on the roof.
2 A boat was sinking in the ocean,when a dolphin saw it and brought help.
3 He was watching the news when his dog brought him today`s newspaper.
4 Last summer,we were sailing off the coast of New Zealand when we saw a group of dolphins. They were jumping in the water. We stopped and I dived into the water to take some photos of the dolphins. I was taking photos when one of the dolphins swam towards me and pushed me towards the boat.The other dolphins were watching us all the time.
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