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SEPER SIZE ME - treść do pomocy. Nie oczekuję odpowiedzi bo nie ma...

Autor: [email protected], 2012-10-07 15:19:48
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SEPER SIZE ME - treść do pomocy. Nie oczekuję odpowiedzi bo nie ma na co :)
Super size Me in a 2004 film By Morgan, in which he documents his experiment to eat only Mc fast food three times a day, every day , for thirty days.
Morgan made himself a short list of rules for the experiment, including an obligation to eat all of three meals he order. He also had to "Super size", which means accepting a giant portion every time the option was offered to him. He ended up vomiting after the first Super Size meal he finished, after taking nearly twenty minutes to consume it.
After five days Spurlock put on almost 5kg and he soon found himself feeling depressed, with no energy. The only thing that got of his headaches and made him feel better was another Mc meal, so his doctors told him he was addicted. More seriously, around day twenty, he started experiencing heart palpitation and one of the doctors advice, Spurlock continued, to the end of the month and achieved a total weight gain of 11 kg. His body mass index also increased from a healthy 23,2 to an overweight 27.
It took Spurlock fifteen months to recover from his experiment and return to his original weighr, but the film also had a wider impact. Just after its showing in 2004 Mc phased out the Super Size aption and healthier options like salads appeared on the menu. Unfortunately, MC deny the connection betwee the film and the change, but is interesting to note how closely they coincided with the release of the film.

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