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Przetłumacz z angielskiego na polski: The HIGH TIMES Vaporizer...

Autor: Claudin, 2014-01-10 20:42:04
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Przetłumacz z angielskiego na polski:
The HIGH TIMES Vaporizer Pen Buyer's Guide
Compiled by the HIGH TIMES Editorial Staff

Since our first vaporizer buyer's guide in 2011, a plethora of new pen-sized vapes have hit the market – offering cannabis consumers a stealthy, convenient way to get high in almost any location or situation. But with so many options, how can John Q. Stoner know which ones are worthy of their cash and stash, and which ones are worthy of the trash? Well, fear not, loyal readers – that’s where we come in. Our diligent staff has reviewed and rated (on a scale of 1 to 5) 15 top vapor pens so that you can get ripped without getting ripped off. We’ve provided vital specs on each of the following devices and judged them based on seven criteria: affordability, durability, versatility, high, stealth, health, and ease of refill. But first, some general info ...

Some of these products are listed for use with “glycerin only.” This refers to concentrates that are dissolved in a base solution – usually propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin – that acts as a hygroscopic (water-attracting) component to transform the solution into a vapor when heated. The heating element responsible for vaporizing the substance is called an atomizer. If the atomizer is integrated into a metal cartridge or plastic/glass tank as a single unit, it’s known as a cartomizer.

There are two basic heating methods used for vaporizing: convection and conduction. In convection heating, the substance never touches the heating element; instead, it’s added to a “polyfill” medium, and then air heated by the element, releasing the active ingredients. Convection systems usually incorporate a cartridge rather than a tank.

With conduction heating, the substance to be vaporized is placed on a metal element that is then heated to release the active ingredients. These types of vaporizers generally consist of a wick (usually silica) and a metal filament or coil (made of nickel, aluminum or steel), often encased in a small bowl (typically ceramic) and positioned in the center of a chamber or tank. These systems may produce smoke if you dry-burn them, so it helps to soak the wick with concentrate first, either by filling the tank with solution or applying a dab and letting it drip down. Accessing the wick tank often requires prying off a small plastic lid, which is used to contain the glycerin solution. If you’re using more solid concentrates (such as wax, budder, etc.), the plastic lid should remain off.

Since many of these products operate from the same base unit (powered by a lithium ion battery), they not only look extremely similar but also have interchangeable parts and chargers. For the purposes of this review, we’ll refer to all of these as “standard” components. It’s worth noting that, like most electronics, all of these standard units are manufactured in China. We’d also like to point out that while the materials used to make these products were taken into account in our judging, we did not test them for their effects on the user’s health – only their performance.

However, most of these units have been tested and approved by the FDA (for use with nicotine in e-cigarettes) and supposedly present no health issues pertaining to their components. Nevertheless, the old saying applies here – buyer beware: Regardless of which device you choose, read the instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective usage, and fully charge the battery unit before first use to establish long battery life. Good luck ... and happy vaping!

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