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Potrzebuje pracy o o mamie, tacie, bracie i o samym sobie musi...

Autor: Omamski, 2013-04-03 18:26:01
Dodaj do:
Potrzebuje pracy o o mamie, tacie, bracie i o samym sobie musi byc po angielsku zeby bylo dobrze napisane moze byc zmyślone TYLKO ZEBY NIE BYLO NAPISANE PRZEZ GOOGLE TLUMACZ !

Rozwiązania (2)

Autor: miki231
dodano: 2013-04-03 21:43:23
Wszystko z głowy więc sorrki jak będą błędy.
About me
Hello, my name is Monika. I'm twelwe. I'm learn in small school next to my house, where i have got a lot of friends. I love playing tennis, so I go to tenis lesson every wednesday. I have got a pet. My tortoise was called Olie. I love him very much. I live in a small house with beautiful garden in my lovely town.
About my mother
My mother's name is Elizabeth. She has go twenty nine years old. She works in office. My mum loves cooking.She often cooks for me her famous biuscits. I love it. My mum speak french and engish.
About my father
My dad Henry is threety one years old. He is artist, and he often paints his beautiful pictures. He like listening to music in the evenings. He speak french like my mum.
About my younger brother.
My younger brother is five years old. He' name is Oliver. He has got a pet like me. His dog was called Gingerbread. He loves his pet. Oliver often plays with Gingerbread. Oliver usually helps our mum in cooking biscuits.

Powinno być dobrze chyba. Na pewno nie z tłumacza.
Autor: miki231
dodano: 2013-04-03 21:43:24
Wszystko z głowy więc sorrki jak będą błędy.
About me
Hello, my name is Monika. I'm twelwe. I'm learn in small school next to my house, where i have got a lot of friends. I love playing tennis, so I go to tenis lesson every wednesday. I have got a pet. My tortoise was called Olie. I love him very much. I live in a small house with beautiful garden in my lovely town.
About my mother
My mother's name is Elizabeth. She has go twenty nine years old. She works in office. My mum loves cooking.She often cooks for me her famous biuscits. I love it. My mum speak french and engish.
About my father
My dad Henry is threety one years old. He is artist, and he often paints his beautiful pictures. He like listening to music in the evenings. He speak french like my mum.
About my younger brother.
My younger brother is five years old. He' name is Oliver. He has got a pet like me. His dog was called Gingerbread. He loves his pet. Oliver often plays with Gingerbread. Oliver usually helps our mum in cooking biscuits.

Powinno być dobrze chyba. Na pewno nie z tłumacza.
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