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pomocy XD 1.There was a plane c____ in Zaire yesterday. It...

Autor: kalolinkaa, 2013-10-25 17:31:05
Dodaj do:
pomocy XD
1.There was a plane c____ in Zaire yesterday. It happened during a storm.
2.A fire in Mexico City was caused by gas, not a terrorist a_____ say the police.
3. Workers at a nuclear power station in England have stopped a nuclear d____ . People living near the power station are now able to return to their homes.
4. There has been three days of heavy rain in Pakistan. The f____ there are the worst for twenty years.
5. There has been another large e___ in Indonesia. Buildings fell down in the capital, Jakarta.
6. In Australia, a forest f___ has destroyed about 10,000 kilometres of forests and it is still burning.

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