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odpowiedz na pytania. proszę o pomoc. pilne At Niagara...

Autor: rebellious22 , 2014-09-18 18:18:01
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odpowiedz na pytania. proszę o pomoc. pilne

At Niagara Falls,
on the border between the USA and Canada, the River Niagara suddenly falls more than fifty metres. Every hour, 2.5 million litres go over the waterfalls. Niagara Falls is popular with tourists and in the past it was also popular with daredevils. Three of the most famous were The Great Blondin, Signor Farini and Annie Taylor. b) In 1859, Blondin walked across Niagara Falls eight times. Once he cooked eggs while he was standing on the tightrope. Another time, he nearly fell into the river while he was carrying a man on his back. That day, a man called William Hunt was at Niagara with his girlfriend. As they were watching Blondin, Hunt decided to invent stunts which were more spectacular and daring than Blondin’s. He changed his name to Signor Farini and began to practise. c) In 1860 a crowd went to see Farini at Niagara. He was walking along his tightrope when he stopped and climbed down a thirty-metre rope to a boat. He had a drink, then climbed up the rope again and continued walking. He was the new king of the falls. d) There were many heroes of Niagara and also some heroines. In 1901 Annie Taylor became the first woman to go over the falls in a barrel. People were waiting for forty minutes before Annie’s helpers opened the barrel. People weren’t expecting to see Annie alive, but in fact she survived. e) Many others survived stunts at the falls in barrels, balls or simply a bathing suit, but a lot of people also died. These days, daredevil acts are prohibited there and there is a maximum fine of $10,000. odpowiedz : what do you think of the dardevils in the text? 2. Which films that you' ve seen have stunts? 3. what places in your country are spectacular? 4. who are your heroes and heroines? why? 5. do you know anyone who's daring? in what way?

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