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Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in...

Autor: madzik12, 2018-04-08 00:50:18
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Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1A: I need a holiday, but flights ......
(be) always expensive at this time of year.
B: That's true, but I ......(find) a cheap flight to Mexico on the net yesterday.
2A: Grace ......(win) the lottery last week!
B: That's right. She ........(sleep) when her brother called to tell her.
3A: I ........(not like) football.
B: Why ........(you / not tell) me earlier? The tickets cost £70 each!
4A: ............(you / hear) about the accident last week?
B: Yes, the boys ...........(drive) along Court Street when a motorbike hit the car.
5A: ...........(you / need) somewhere to stay? I have a spare room.
B: No, it's OK. I ........(stay) with my sister.
6A: I .........(read) a novel called The Road at the moment.
B: Oh yes. I found it so boring that I ...... (not finish) it.
7A: I like an early start, so I .........(get up) at six every morning.
B: Me too. I always ...........(leave) the house by seven.
8A: John! Are you ready? We ........(wait) for you!
B: OK, here I am! Sorry about that. I .........(look) for my hat! I couldn't find it anywhere.

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