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Napisz streszczenie tego tekstu , tak żeby zaczynało się od : This...

Autor: julka2672, 2012-10-16 14:55:54
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Napisz streszczenie tego tekstu , tak żeby zaczynało się od : This tekst is about...

How often do you communicate something without speaking ? Many of us don't realise that we communicate with our bodies all the time . Psychologists think that only 7 % of our communication is through words .The rest is through body language : how we're standing, what we're doing with our and where we're looking.

When you nod your head instead of saying 'yes', or you put your thumb up to mean 'OK', people can understand you easily. We often use a gesture when we want to be really clear because we know that gestures are effective.

Our bodies also send out lots of other messages. We don't always want this to happen. We probably don't want to show people that we're unhappy or impatient, for example. But this can happen just because we move a part of our body or we stand in a certain way.We don't even realise that we're doing it.

So the next time you meet someone new, or talk to a classmate, look carefully at what they're doing. What is their body telling you ? Is it the same as the the words they're saying ? Be careful ! Don't forget that they might try to see what your body language means,too. Perhaps you don't hide your emotions as well as you think.

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