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Napisz recenzje filmu po Angielsku . Ma się w nim znaleźć...

Autor: daga085, 2013-04-16 14:52:18
Dodaj do:
Napisz recenzje filmu po Angielsku .
Ma się w nim znaleźć :
Review date:
Director :
Producers :
Actors :
The Plot :
The Best Bits :
The Worst Bits :
My Rating :
Prosze o szybką , bezbłędną odpowiedz

Rozwiązania (2)

Autor: jula200100
dodano: 2013-04-20 11:29:02
"The Green Mile" is an American drama film directed by Frank Darabont. He is my favourite director who directed also the other fascinating films like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Majestic". "The Green Mile" is based on Stephen King's book of the same name. The film tells the story of Paul Edgecomb and his life as a jailer during the Great Depression in the United States, and the supernatural events he witnessed. It is in a flashback format. In addition to the main charakter Paul there are also other prison guards and prisoners sentenced to death. Although they were bad people and committed a cruel crimes, in prison they have human feelings, they cry and really regret their deeds. The guards become attached to them. The main role plays Tom Hanks. In my opinion he is one of the best contemporary actors and perfectly fit to this role. Stephen King stated he invisioned Hanks in the main role and was really happy when Darabont mentioned his name. The other actors in the cast are: Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse, Michael Jeter and Barry Pepper. The dialogues are very moving. I especially like it in this film. I think "The Green Mile" is really amazing, because it rarely happens that the screening is better than book.
Autor: jula200100
dodano: 2013-04-20 11:29:04
"The Green Mile" is an American drama film directed by Frank Darabont. He is my favourite director who directed also the other fascinating films like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Majestic". "The Green Mile" is based on Stephen King's book of the same name. The film tells the story of Paul Edgecomb and his life as a jailer during the Great Depression in the United States, and the supernatural events he witnessed. It is in a flashback format. In addition to the main charakter Paul there are also other prison guards and prisoners sentenced to death. Although they were bad people and committed a cruel crimes, in prison they have human feelings, they cry and really regret their deeds. The guards become attached to them. The main role plays Tom Hanks. In my opinion he is one of the best contemporary actors and perfectly fit to this role. Stephen King stated he invisioned Hanks in the main role and was really happy when Darabont mentioned his name. The other actors in the cast are: Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse, Michael Jeter and Barry Pepper. The dialogues are very moving. I especially like it in this film. I think "The Green Mile" is really amazing, because it rarely happens that the screening is better than book.
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