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Napisz cztery kawały po Angielsku. Prosiłbym o kilka...

Autor: karol.b, 2013-10-14 16:13:45
Dodaj do:
Napisz cztery kawały po Angielsku.

Prosiłbym o kilka prostszych.
Z góry dzięki :)!

Rozwiązania (15)

Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:44:28
Inneo Anglikacho The Boys
Stasiek arrives from England, and the Father said to him:
- Stas! Wywieź dung
- What
- What a cow, what a horse
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:38
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:39
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:40
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:41
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:42
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:43
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:43
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:44
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:45
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:46
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:46
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:47
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: roxi9876
dodano: 2013-10-16 15:45:48
the Piłkarzacho Pole ... for the English
Pole comes to the shop in England and says:
- I'll pass.
- What?
- Ball!
- What?
- David Beckham
- Aaa football
- Okay, let you focus now.
- Okey
- For metal.
Autor: wikusiaxoxo
dodano: 2013-10-16 16:12:22
istnieje tłumacz
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