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Mam napisać 20 zdań o sobie po angielsku

Autor: pintoska, 2011-05-23 23:40:41
Dodaj do:
Mam napisać 20 zdań o sobie po angielsku

Rozwiązania (4)

Autor: Danio308
dodano: 2011-05-24 19:07:23
I'm .....( your name here), I have ....( here your age) years.
....( I live in where you live).
I like to play ....( here what you like) but they do not like to play ....( here do not like)
I like to eat ice cream after dinner, as is heat and cold as a casserole.
My favorite online game is here ....( enter your best game site)
My best school activities is here ......( take what you like.)
Every day I spend more time in the yard than on the computer
and television but devote most of their time learning.
I'm blond (you can change it). I expected (-||-) Green
I dress depending on the weather.
I like to go to school but not at 8, more would prefer to 9.10 an hour.
I've never left the school during classes.
Autor: castel
dodano: 2011-05-24 19:55:53
przykład 8 zdań:

My name`s Tomek.
I`m quite tall and slim
I`ve got straight and dark hair
I`ve got a fringe.
I`ve got a freekels
I don`t wear glasses
My eyes are brown
I haven`t got wrinkles and dimples
I don`t wear glasses

Dodaj czego jeszcze nie masz, co lubisz i swój plan dnia i gotowe!
Autor: ∂zιєff¢zуикα
dodano: 2011-05-30 12:28:08
I'm .....( your name here), I have ....( here your age) years.
....( I live in where you live).
I like to play ....( here what you like) but they do not like to play ....( here do not like)
I like to eat ice cream after dinner, as is heat and cold as a casserole.
My favorite online game is here ....( enter your best game site)
My best school activities is here ......( take what you like.)
Every day I spend more time in the yard than on the computer
and television but devote most of their time learning.
I'm blond (you can change it). I expected (-||-) Green
I dress depending on the weather.
I like to go to school but not at 8, more would prefer to 9.10 an hour.
I've never left the school during classes.
Autor: Paweł123
dodano: 2011-12-08 21:03:45
1.My name is... 11.I am ... hair
2.My parents name is... 12.Every week I am go to swim poll
3.I like... 13.on the December ski
4.My mum like ... 14.On the left is my mum
5.My dad like... itd.
6.I go to school at ...
7.My firends is funny
8.My firends have got a dog/cat...
9.I go to bed at ...
10.I am clever-przebiegły
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