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I Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words or phrases...

Autor: kamilek0820, 2013-01-12 21:56:42
Dodaj do:
I Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets. (Use the Third Conditional). Use contractions in negation only.
1 If I ...... (not meet) you that day, I (not fall) .........in love with you.
2 She ..... (not change) her mind if you...... (not be) so impolite.
3 They.... (stay) there if you...... (ask) them.
4 She...... (not die) if the ambulance ......(come) a few minutes earlier.
5 If Peter....... (stay) at work a few hours longer, she .......(yell) at him upon his return home.
6 If she ........(try) harder when she was younger, she ........(succeed) long ago.
7 If the weather...... (be) nice on that day, we...... (go) for a walk. But in the end, we stayed at home.
II Fill in the gaps with the correct question tags.
1 You were there,...... ?
2 She isn't happy,..... ?
3 I'm too tall,...... ?
4 They dream of a better life,...... ?
5 They went to Scotland,....... ?
6 We were trying to change the situation,......... ?
7 You won't come, .......?
8 She's been there since 2pm,.......... ?
9 It'd be better if we stayed with them,........ ?
10 They've changed a lot since we saw them last time,......... ?
III Change the direct questions into indirect questions. Don't use any contractions.
1 Where were you last night?
Could you tell me where.... last night?
2 Who told you that?
I want to know who..... you that.
3 When did they go out?
Do you know when ... out?
4 Was it a nice party?
Could you tell me if ....a nice party?
5 What does she usually read?
Do you know what... ?
6 Have you ever tried to do it better?
Can you tell me if.... to do it better?
7 Would you like more milk?
I wondered if.... more milk.
8 . Where do they work?
I want to know where..... .
9 How often does he buy new cars?
Can you tell me how .... often new cars?
10 Will they manage to do it on time?
Do you know if........ to do it on time?

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