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Czy ten tekst ma sens? In the America of the 19th century...

Autor: kamil13, 2014-06-09 22:10:21
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Czy ten tekst ma sens?

In the America of the 19th century journey from coast to coast was difficult, but it facilitated stagecoaches, wagons and horses. Often people traveling carriages for convenience. people and furniture rode in separate cars. Usually wagons rode in a wagon train which was after 7 8 wagons. Oxen pulled wagons and mules. traveling carriages was better than riding on a stagecoach because often hold up stagecoaches. has happened so because in them the rich passengers traveling with jewelry and gold that was easy prey for thieves. Stagecoaches traveling at the same time as the wagons or 25 days. Pony Express began its at the latest so that in 1860 Riders rode at night. horse ran 15 kilometers a day a letter arrives at 19 days young rider was 15 years later, there has been development and the railway arrived.

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