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Czy podane parafrazy są poprawnie przeze mnie sformułowane?...

Autor: danny1993, 2014-04-21 21:49:48
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Czy podane parafrazy są poprawnie przeze mnie sformułowane?

1.The police continued to work on the case until they found the culprit. (carried)
odp. The police carried out on the case until they found the culprit.

2. I'll wait ten more minutes in case Martha turns up. (hold)
odp. I'll hold on ten more minutes ...

3. Patrick will tell you when it is safe for you to move. (until)
odp. Do not move until Patrick tells you it is safe for you to do so.

4. My father tells me all the time that I should find myself a job. (stops)
odp. My father stops out that I should find myself a job.

5.Everyone can see that Sue is more sensitive than Kate. (not)
odp. Everyone can see that Kate is not sensitive like Sue.

6. Helen's childhood was less difficult than Paul's. (an)
odp. Helen had an easier childhood than Paul.

7.I have never heard anything more stupid than that. (thing)
odp. This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

8. Some people believe that there must be life on other planets. (exists)
odp. There is believed that the life exists on the other planets.

9. Tom hadn't finished painting the table when Sally arrived. (still)
odp. Tom still hasn't finished painting the table, when Sally arrived

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