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1 . Wstaw many lub much - We have ... records at home - we...

Autor: mapa12, 2014-09-21 13:26:00
Dodaj do:
1 . Wstaw many lub much
- We have ... records at home
- we haven't got ... bread for breakfast
- do you drink ... orange juice every day ?
- do you drink ... glasses of orange juice every day ?
- there isn't ... time left
- i don't need ... cheese for the sandwiches
- i don't need ... slices of cheese for the sandwiches.
- John doesn't eat ... for dinner
- John doesn't eat... sandwiches for breakfast
- there are ... windows in this house
2. How many / how much
-... water is there in the bottle.
-... glasses are there in the in the cupboard?
-...children are there in there in the classroom now ?
-...money are you going to pay for the car?
-... time do you need for that ?
- ... times must I tell you that ?
-... cheese do you need for the cake?
-... boys are there in your class ?
-We haven't got ... time
- there are ... people in the shop.
-Do you read... books?
-how .... milk is there in the bottle
-John eats .... apples.
-I don't drink ... coffee.
- Does he need .... butter for the cake?
- How ... sandwiches does he usually have for supper ?

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