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1.Uzupełnij zadania wyrazami. Wyrazy: [poetry, novel, blog,...

Autor: movepeck1995, 2013-06-01 13:14:11
Dodaj do:
1.Uzupełnij zadania wyrazami.
Wyrazy: [poetry, novel, blog, newspaper, short stories, comics]
1. A lot of children like ……………. because they enjoy the stories and pictures.
2. I have started writing a …………… on the Internet about my life.
3. I think it must be difficult to write …….. because you have to really think about the meaning of the words.
4. I’m reading a great ……… The characters and events are not real, but it’s very good.
5. Most people read the ……… in the morning to find out what has happened in the world.
6. I prefer reading …… to long books because you can read them quite quickly.

2. Uzupełnij opis ulubionej książki Eliie wyrazami I wyrażeniami z ramki.
Wyrazu[was written by, was released, stars, It’s set, favourite part, characters, it’s about,I like it because]

My favourite book is called Eragon. ………………. In an imaginary country and ………………. A boy called Eragon who finds an egg in the forest. He takes it home and a dragon comes out of it. In the story, the ………….. are trying to save their country. ………………. The story is full of adventure and magic. It ……………… writer called Christopher Paolini.

The book has, a so been made into a film. The film……………….. in 2006 and it ………… Edward Speleers,, Jeremy Irons and Robert Carlyle. The are great actors! My………… is when Eragon flies on his dragon, Saphira, for the first time.

3.Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdanie w stronie biernej czasu present simple.

1.grown/in Colombia/is/a lot of coffe.
2.manufactured/Ferrari cars/aren’t/in Australia.
3.bicycles/are/how many/every year/stolen/in Amsterdam?
4.the best watches/made/in Switzerland?/are
5.the story/the director/by/is/written?
6.spoken/English/all over the world/is.
7.by/chosen/isn’t/the actors/the music for the film.

4.Podkrelś właściwe wyrazy.
The script is written by film writes and the producer chooses/is chosen the director. Then, the actors choose/are chosen. After that, the film company looks/is looked for the right locations. The actors do/are done some scenes on location, but it’s very expensive so many scenes on film/are filmed in the studios. Special effects don’t add/aren’t added until later. When the film is ready, it doesn’t release/isn’t released to the public immediately. Usually a small group of people watch/is watched the film and then the editor and director make/are made any final changes.

5.Ułóż zdania rozmowy telefonicznej w odpowiedniej kolejności.
B: … Typical Josh! I’ll tell him to call you as soon sa he can.
B: … I’m sorry but he isn’t here at the moment. Why don’t you try his mobile?
A: .1. Hi. Ciuld I speak to Josh, please?
A: … Thanks. Bye for now.
A: .5. Well, I’ve already tried but there’s no answer, Can you take a message for him?
B: … Yes, just a minute, I’ll get him,
A: … Thank you…
B: … Of course, Who’s calling?
A: … It’s David, Could you tell him that he left his iPod at my flat last night?

6.Uzupełnij dialog zwrotami z ramki.
Speak to you soon
Is Fiona there?
Why don’t you try her mobile?
She isn’t here at the moment.

Natalie: Hi, Natalie speaking.
Eddie: Hi, Natalie, it’s Eddie.
Natalie: Di, Eddie. I’m sorry,
Can I take a message?
Eddie: Yes, please. Can you tell her that I got the tickets for the cinema tonight and that I’ll meet her there at 7.30?
Natalie: Sure, Eddie, I’ll tell her.Listen,
She’s got it with her.
Eddie: Great idea, Natalie, I’ll do that now. Thanks. ……………………….
Natalie: Bye for now, Eddie.

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