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Szczegóły znajdziesz w Regulaminie.

1 Listen to a speech. Then complete the summary. Write one, two...

Autor: afroxd, 2014-03-26 15:51:09
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1 Listen to a speech. Then complete the summary. Write one, two or three words.
(10 marks)
It’s the students’ (1) _____________________ at Oxford Secondary School. Mrs Jakes is the
(2) _____________________. She tells students about three school rules. Students mustn’t play truant. If they need to miss a whole day of school, their parents should
(3) _____________________. Secondly, students mustn’t cheat when they’re doing
(4) _____________________ or homework. Finally, students mustn’t bully each other. They should (5) _____________________ other instead.
2 Write words or expressions for the definitions. Use the words in the box and the word school in the correct place. (10 marks)

things you study at school: school subjects
1 the first school you go to:
2 things you have to do at school: ____________________________
3 how old you have to be before you don’t have to go to school: ____________________________
4 clothes you have to wear for school: ____________________________
5 a school where there are boys and girls: ____________________________
3 Complete the sentences with school life verbs. (10 marks)
1 If you don’t revise, you won’t __ __ __ __ your exams.
2 He’s shy, so he finds it difficult to __ __ __ __ friends.
3 I never __ __ __ __ truant from school.
4 I want to __ __ __ high marks.
5 They __ __ __ __ __ bullies from school, so they can’t study there ever again.
Language focus
4 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
1 You shouldn’t / mustn’t exercise every day. It isn’t a good idea.
2 You should / must wear sunglasses today.
3 You shouldn’t / mustn’t work full-time if you’re under sixteen. It’s the law.
4 You should / must pay now. You can’t pay later.
5 You shouldn’t / mustn’t eat sweets every day.
5 Complete the sentences using the correct form of have to or don’t have to. (12 marks)
What does … have to do? Tim Mia Rui
do housework today   
make dinner tonight   
clean the car on Sunday   
Tim has to do housework
1 Mia and Tim ____________________ housework today.
2 Rui ____________________ housework today.
3 Tim ____________________ dinner tonight.
4 Mia and Rui ____________________ dinner tonight.
5 Tim and Rui ____________________ the car on Sunday.
6 Mia ____________________ the car on Sunday.
6 Write sentences and questions using have to.
(8 marks)
Faith / to bed early (go )
Faith has to go to bed early.
1 Arthur and Bea / the washing-up (do )

2 we / French at our school (study )

3 we / to the next class (go ?)

4 your mum / at the weekend (work ?)

7 Rewrite the sentences with a similar meaning. Use the correct forms of should, must or have to. (10 marks)
1 It’s illegal to drive when you’re fourteen.
You .
2 It isn’t necessary to get the highest marks.
You .
3 Don’t play games all evening. It’s a bad idea.
You .
4 It’s best if the teachers sit with the students.
The teachers .
5 Many students wear a jacket and tie, but it isn’t compulsory.
Students .
8 Read the text. Then write true or false. Correct the false sentences. (10 marks)
Tom has got good marks in most of his exams, and has had a successful year. He always does best in French and German, but this year he has really improved in sciences, and he has got higher marks in physics in particular. He still needs to work hard at English and politics. He should revise a bit more before the exams.
Tom has got a very good attitude. He helped another student who was cheating. The student wanted to copy Tom’s French homework. Tom refused to give her his homework, but he spent two evenings with the girl and helped her understand the subject better.
Tom is a very popular student. Although he is quite reserved and is often quiet in class, he has made a lot of friends this year. He has also been very kind to other students. An older boy was bullying Tom’s friend and Tom confronted the bully and told the teacher. The bullying has now stopped and the school has written a polite letter to the bully’s parents.

Tom has got bad marks this year. False. Tom has got good marks in most of his exams and has had a successful year.
1 Tom’s strongest subjects are sciences. ___________________________________________
2 Tom is better at physics this year. ___________________________________________
3 Tom is doing well in every subject. ___________________________________________
4 A girl wanted Tom to help her cheat in French. ___________________________________________
5 An older boy bullied Tom last year.
9 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
A You look upset / bad / sensitive, Ant. What’s the (1) advice / worry / matter?
B I’m worried about the test tomorrow! What
(2) should I / do I have to / must I do?
A Well, (3) whatever / what / whichever you do, don’t panic, that’s (4) as / with / for sure. You should relax and try to revise calmly. It’ll be fine!
B Are you sure?
A Yes, (5) really / definitely / incredibly!
10 Write an opinion essay with this title: Are you in favour of single-sex schools or against them? Use the ideas to help you. (10 marks)
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Are single-sex schools common? Do you or anyone you know go to one?
Paragraph 2: Your opinion
What do you think? Give three reasons for OR against the topic.
In my opinion, ... Firstly, / Secondly, / Thirdly ...
Paragraph 3: Conclusion
Summarise your opinion.
All in all, ... / In conclusion, ...

Rozwiązania (1)

Autor: ania555x
dodano: 2014-03-26 19:24:23
zrobiłam, sprawdziłam 2 razy, wszystko jest dobrze! :) zadanie zapisałam w notatniku
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