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1 Complete with the correct form of these words and phrases. You...

Autor: Patunia1126, 2011-12-19 19:40:07
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1 Complete with the correct form of these words and phrases. You can use them more than once.

’d like ’d rather ’d rather not want how about let’s don’t/doesn’t have to

1 A Annabel’s in bed. She’s not feeling well. _________________ go and see her.

B OK. Good idea.

2 A Did you go to the doctor?

B No, the problem got better so I _________________ .

3 A I’ll go and buy some pizza for supper.

B I’m bored with eating pizza all the time. _________________ to eat some spaghetti instead.

4 A I’m really tired. I just _________________ go to bed.

B Boring!

5 A _________________ to come and see my new computer? It’s really fast.

B Yes, I’d like to.

6 A Do you want rice or potatoes?

B _________________ have rice with Turkish food.

7 A Are you going to wear a seat belt?

B You ______________ here. It’s not the law. But I will anyway, because it’s safer.

8 A What are we doing today?

B _________________ going to the supermarket? We need some food.

9 A Let’s go this morning.

B _________________ go early. I have to do some other things first.

10 A What are you doing tomorrow?

B I _________________ to go swimming but André doesn’t want to.

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